Next, after the passing of my Haase grandparents, we purchased the farm from my father and his 3 brothers in the 1980s.  This makes me the 4th generation in my family to call this farm home.  All 3 of our sons were born and raised here, and are very fortunate to be able to say that this farm and this home has been in their family for many many years.  The are the 5th generation in our family to call this place home. 

Farm House as purchased by Haase family in 1940s

​His and Hers 

JG Hager Farm late 1900

Their oldest son, my grandfather, Ken Hager was born on this farm in 1904.  The Hager family, 3 sons and 1 daughter. They farmed crops, raised animals and had a working sawmill.  

My great grandfather JG and his wife Belle then sold the farm to an unrelated family for around 4 years.  


Dan and Dolly - working horses on the Haase Farm. 

JG Hager Farm House built in 1904

Our farm has been in my family for 5 generations.  The farm that we use to grow our produce and vegetables has fed members of my family for more than 100 years.   
In the late 1800s my great grandfather J.G. (Jacob) Hager and his wife LuLu Belle (McCartney) were the first members of my family to work this farm.  They built the farm house we live in today.   J.G and LuLu Bell had 4 children.  


In 1940 the farm was again re-purchased by the other side of my family.  My paternal grandparents, Herman and Florence Haase.  The Haase's purchased the farm and moved to Farmington with hopes to work the farm again. 

Herman Haase, a chemist for the coal mines, along with Florence, a music teacher in one room schools and then later grade schools, make this new location their home.  Herman and Florence brought their 4 sons during the move.  My dad, and his 3 brothers grew up here during the 40s.  This was a few years after the depression, and 3 of their sons were all part of WW II effort.  The Haase Farm was home to a few cattle, a working horses and even boasted and sold fresh eggs from 1000 laying hens!